Cleaning up
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 minQuestions
How do I clean my workspace?
How do I delete my cluster?
Clean my workflows
Delete my storage volume
Cleaning workspace
Remember to delete your workflow again to avoid additional charges: Run this until you get a message indicating there is no more workflows.
argo delete -n argo @latest
Delete the argo namespace and all yaml files and configurations with:
kubectl delete ns argo
rm *
rm -r *
Delete your disk:
gcloud compute disks delete DISK_NAME [DISK_NAME …] [--region=REGION | --zone=ZONE]
Demo delete disk
To delete the disk ‘gce-nfs-disk-1’ in zone ‘us-central1-c’ that was used as an example in this workshop , run:
gcloud compute disks delete gce-nfs-disk-1 --zone=us-central1-c
Delete cluster
Click on the delete button of your cluster:
Confirm deletion:
Standby to see the complete deletion of the cluster:
Perfect you’re ready to start over
Key Points
Cleaning your workspace in periods of time while you’re not running workflows will save you money.
With a couple commands it is easy to get back to square one.