Demo: Storing a workflow output on Kubernetes
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 30 minQuestions
How to setup a workflow engine to submit jobs?
How to run a simple job?
How can I set up shared storage for my workflows?
How to run a simple job and get the the ouput?
Understand how to run a simple workflows in a commercial cloud environment or local machine
Understand how to set up shared storage and use it in a workflow
Install argo as a workflow engine
While jobs can also be run manually, a workflow engine makes defining and submitting jobs easier. In this tutorial, we use [argo]( Install it into your working environment with the following commands (all commands to be entered into the cloud shell):
kubectl create ns argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Unzip
gunzip argo-linux-amd64.gz
# Make binary executable
chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
sudo mv ./argo-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argo
This will also install the argo binary, which makes managing the workflows easier.
In case you leave your computer, you might have to reconnect to the CloudShell again, and also on a different computer. If the
command is not found, run the command above again starting from thecurl
You can now check that argo is available with:
argo version
Run a simple test workflow
To test the setup, run a simple test workflow with
argo submit -n argo --watch
Wait till the yellow light turns green. Get the logs with
argo logs -n argo @latest
If argo was installed correctly you will have the following:
hello-world-ml5bf: time="2022-07-25T12:33:54.295Z" level=info msg="capturing logs" argo=true
hello-world-ml5bf: _____________
hello-world-ml5bf: < hello world >
hello-world-ml5bf: -------------
hello-world-ml5bf: \
hello-world-ml5bf: \
hello-world-ml5bf: \
hello-world-ml5bf: ## .
hello-world-ml5bf: ## ## ## ==
hello-world-ml5bf: ## ## ## ## ===
hello-world-ml5bf: /""""""""""""""""___/ ===
hello-world-ml5bf: ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ / ===- ~~~
hello-world-ml5bf: \______ o __/
hello-world-ml5bf: \ \ __/
hello-world-ml5bf: \____\______/
Please mind that it is important to delete your workflows once they have completed. If you do not do this, the pods associated with the workflow will remain scheduled in the cluster, which might lead to additional charges. You will learn how to automatically remove them later.
argo delete -n argo @latest
Storage Volume
If we run some application or workflow, we usually require a disk space where to dump our results. There is no persistent disk by default, we have to create it.
You could create a disk clicking on the web interface above, but lets do it faster in the command line.
Create the volume (disk) we are going to use:
gcloud compute disks create --size=100GB --zone=europe-west1-b gce-nfs-disk-1
Set up an nfs server for this disk:
kubectl apply -n argo -f 001-nfs-server.yaml
Set up a nfs service, so we can access the server:
kubectl apply -n argo -f 002-nfs-server-service.yaml
Let’s find out the IP of the nfs server:
kubectl get -n argo svc nfs-server |grep ClusterIP | awk '{ print $3; }'
Let’s create a persistent volume out of this nfs disk. Note that persistent volumes are not namespaced they are available to the whole cluster.
We need to write that IP number above into the appropriate place in this file:
vim 003-pv.yaml
kubectl apply -f 003-pv.yaml
kubectl get pv
Apps can claim persistent volumes through persistent volume claims (pvc). Let’s create a pvc:
kubectl apply -n argo -f 003-pvc.yaml
kubectl get pvc -n argo
Now an argo workflow coul claim and access this volume with a configuration like:
# argo-wf-volume.yaml
kind: Workflow
generateName: test-hostpath-
entrypoint: test-hostpath
- name: task-pv-storage
claimName: nfs-1
- name: test-hostpath
image: alpine:latest
command: [sh]
source: |
echo "This is the ouput" > /mnt/vol/test.txt
echo ls -l /mnt/vol: `ls -l /mnt/vol`
- name: task-pv-storage
mountPath: /mnt/vol
Submit and check this workflow with:
argo submit -n argo argo-wf-volume.yaml
argo list -n argo
Take the name of the workflow from the output (replace XXXXX in the following command) and check the logs:
kubectl logs pod/test-hostpath-XXXXX -n argo main
Once the job is done, you will see something like:
ls -l /mnt/vol: total 20 drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Sep 22 08:36 lost+found -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18 Sep 22 08:36 test.txt
Get the output file
The example job above produced a text file as an output. It resides in the persistent volume that the workflow job has created. To copy the file from that volume to the cloud shell, we will define a container, a “storage pod” and mount the volume there so that we can get access to it.
Create a file pv-pod.yaml
with the following contents:
# pv-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pv-pod
- name: task-pv-storage
claimName: nfs-1
- name: pv-container
image: busybox
command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
- mountPath: /mnt/data
name: task-pv-storage
Create the storage pod and copy the files from there
kubectl apply -f pv-pod.yaml -n argo
kubectl cp pv-pod:/mnt/data /tmp/poddata -n argo
and you will get the file created by the job in /tmp/poddata/test.txt
While jobs can also be run manually, a workflow engine makes defining and submitting jobs easier. In this tutorial, we use [argo]( Install it into your working environment with the following commands (all commands to be entered into the cloud shell):
kubectl create ns argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Unzip
gunzip argo-linux-amd64.gz
# Make binary executable
chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
sudo mv ./argo-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argo
This will also install the argo binary, which makes managing the workflows easier.
Unless argo is already installed once on the local computer, when coming back to your computer, the
command is not found, to solvent this run the command above again starting from thecurl
This will also install the argo binary, which makes managing the workflows easier.
You can now check that argo is available with:
argo version
Run a simple test workflow
To test the setup, run a simple test workflow with
argo submit -n argo --watch
Wait till the yellow light turns green. Get the logs with
argo logs -n argo @latest
If argo was installed correctly you will have the following:
hello-world-ml5bf: time="2022-07-25T12:33:54.295Z" level=info msg="capturing logs" argo=true
hello-world-ml5bf: _____________
hello-world-ml5bf: < hello world >
hello-world-ml5bf: -------------
hello-world-ml5bf: \
hello-world-ml5bf: \
hello-world-ml5bf: \
hello-world-ml5bf: ## .
hello-world-ml5bf: ## ## ## ==
hello-world-ml5bf: ## ## ## ## ===
hello-world-ml5bf: /""""""""""""""""___/ ===
hello-world-ml5bf: ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ / ===- ~~~
hello-world-ml5bf: \______ o __/
hello-world-ml5bf: \ \ __/
hello-world-ml5bf: \____\______/
Please mind that it is important to delete your workflows once they have completed. If you do not do this, the pods associated with the workflow will remain scheduled in the cluster, which might lead to additional charges. You will learn how to automatically remove them later.
argo delete -n argo @latest
Storage Volume
If we run some application or workflow, we usually require a disk space where to dump our results. Unlike GKE, our local machine is the persistent disk by default. So let's create a persistent volume out of this nfs disk. Note that persisten volumes are not namespaced they are available to the whole cluster.
nano pv.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: task-pv-volume
type: local
storageClassName: manual
storage: 10Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
path: "/mnt/data"
kubectl apply -f pv.yaml -n argo
kubectl get pv
Apps can claim persistent volumes through persistent volume claims (pvc). Let’s create a pvc:
nano pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: task-pv-claim
storageClassName: manual
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 3Gi
kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml -n argo
kubectl get pvc -n argo
Now an argo workflow coul claim and access this volume with a configuration like:
# argo-wf-volume.yaml
kind: Workflow
generateName: test-hostpath-
entrypoint: test-hostpath
- name: workdir
path: /mnt/data
type: DirectoryOrCreate
- name: test-hostpath
image: alpine:latest
command: [sh]
source: |
echo "This is the ouput" > /mnt/vol/test.txt
echo ls -l /mnt/vol: `ls -l /mnt/vol`
- name: workdir
mountPath: /mnt/vol
Submit and check this workflow with:
argo submit -n argo argo-wf-volume.yaml
argo list -n argo
Take the name of the workflow from the output (replace XXXXX in the following command) and check the logs:
kubectl logs pod/test-hostpath-XXXXX -n argo main
Once the job is done, you will see something like:
time="2022-07-25T05:51:14.221Z" level=info msg="capturing logs" argo=true
ls -l /mnt/vol: total 4 -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 18 Jul 25 05:51 test.txt
Get the output file
The example job above produced a text file as an output. It resides in the persistent volume that the workflow job has created. To copy the file from that volume to the cloud shell, we will define a container, a “storage pod” and mount the volume there so that we can get access to it.
Create a file pv-pod.yaml
with the following contents:
# pv-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: task-pv-pod
- name: task-pv-storage
claimName: task-pv-claim
- name: task-pv-container
image: busybox
command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
- mountPath: /mnt/data
name: task-pv-storage
Create the storage pod and copy the files from there
kubectl apply -f pv-pod.yaml -n argo
kubectl cp task-pv-pod:/mnt/data /tmp/poddata -n argo
and you will get the file created by the job in /tmp/poddata/test.txt
Kubernetes namespaces
The above commands as well as most of the following use a flag
-n argo
, which defines the namespace in which the resources are queried or created. Namespaces separate resources in the cluster, effectively giving you multiple virtual clusters within a cluster.You can change the default namespace to
as follows:kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argo
Key Points
With Kubernetes one can run workflows similar to a batch system
Open Data workflows can be run in a commercial cloud environment using modern tools