This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Analysis Flow: Glossary

Key Points

Prep-work: Warming up for the Higgs to Ditau analysis
  • The Higgs to tautau analysis is good example of analysis that can be done with CMS open data in a relatively easy and simplified way.

  • A container (or environment) with a newer version of ROOT could really speed things up.

  • See you tomorrow!

We will continue tomorrow
Demo: Datasets, trigger and luminosity
  • A simplified analysis can be done with all the open data tools we have learned so far.

  • We will be using collisions data from 2012 and several MC simulated datasets.

  • brilcalc is a tool for estimating integrated luminosities (and can be also used for obtaining other information like trigger prescales.)

Demo: Skimming
  • One of the earlier steps in a particle physics analysis with CMS open data from Run 1 would be to skim the datasets down to a manageable size

  • CMSSW offers a simple an efficient way of doing so.

  • Skimming usually requires decent computing resources and/or time.

Hands-on: EventLoopAnalysisTemplate
  • A simple analysis code skeleton can be obtained using ROOT tools

  • This skeleton can be enhanced to handle a particle physics analysis

Hands-on: Higgs to tau tau Analysis
  • The Higgs to tau tau simplified analysis can be implemente in an event loop style

  • There is some problem with our final plots, but we shal fix that ….

Offline Challenge: Data-driven QCD estimation
  • The QCD multijet background can be estimated using a data-driven approach

Solution and discussion
  • The Higgs to tau tau simplified analysis offers a great opportunity to learn about the most basic ingredients in an analysis flow
