Demo: Datasets, trigger and luminosity
Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
What is the strategy for the analysis flow example?
What datasets and trigger do we need?
How do we get integrated luminosities?
How do we normalize MC simulations?
Learn about the strategy we will follow for our analysis example.
Identify the datasets and the trigger needed.
Learn about the
tool used to extract luminosities.Remember how to normalize events from simulated datasets.
The first two episodes of this lesson are a demonstration. You are welcome to follow along, but if at some point you get behind typing, do not worry, you will not be needing this section in order to continue with the hands-on activity after the break. Of course, later you can refer back to these episodes and/or its video recording.
As you read yesterday, we will try to re-implement the Higgs to ditau analysis that has been already implemented but in a different fashion. The original open data analysis is based on two Github repositories. The first one is the AOD2NanoAODOutreachTool repository. There, the important piece of code is the code. This is an analyzer, very similar to the analyzers you saw already in the POET tool. The main difference is that our POET is capable of extracting the required information in a very modular way. The second part of this analysis relies on the HiggsTauTauNanoAODOutreachAnalysis repository. The code in this repository is already independent of CMSSW but relies on ROOT
libraries, some of which is rather complex for a first approach, like the usage RDataFrame
class (although powerful). In summary, one has to compile and run the skim.cxx
C++ code, then the
python code, and, as a last step, execute the
python script. I.e., this analysis is done in 4 steps.
We will simplify this analysis by performing it in just 3 steps:
- one to skim our data out of CMSSW infrastructure
- the second one to analyze the data and produce
histograms - and the final one to make nice plots.
Later you can refer back to the original open data analysis and compare it to our more orthodox approach. We hope that adopting this more traditional method, the physics and the logic of it will be clearer.
Datasets and trigger selection
We will concentrate on studying the decays of a Higgs boson into two tau leptons in the final state of a muon lepton and a hadronically decayed tau lepton. Since we need to have tau leptons, we choose these two datasets from 2012 (we are going to use only 2012 datasets for simplicity):
- the Run2012B_TauPlusX dataset and
- the Run2012C_TauPlusX dataset.
Note the sizes of these datasets. It TBs of data. No way we can easily download or work locally with them, we would need to skim them.
For our background processes we will chose the following MC simulations:
- the DYJetsToLL dataset, which can contribute with real taus and/or misidentified leptons,
- the TTbar dataset,
- and the set of W1JetsToLNu, W2JetsToLNu, and W3JetsToLNu to complete the W+jets contribution.
As it is commonly done, we would also need to have an idea of how our signal (the process we are trying to find/discover) look like. Thus, for the Higgs production we will consider the following MC simulations:
- the GluGluToHToTauTau dataset and
- the VBF_HToTauTau dataset.
Note also that all these datasets are in the TB range.
Now, for the trigger, we will use the HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_LooseIsoPFTau20
as it is done in the original open data analysis. Likewise threr, we will assume that this trigger is unprescaled. Now you know, however, that one should really check that.
Luminosity calculation
One of the key aspects in any particle physics analysis is the estimation of the integrated luminosity of a given collisions dataset. From the original analysis we can see that the full integrated luminosities are:
for a total of approximately 11.5 inverse femtobarns between the two collisions datasets. But, how can we figure this out?
Fortunately we have a wonderful tool for this, called brilcalc
. Here we show a simple example, but more details can be found in this CODP guide.
Installing brilcalc in your container
You can install the brilcalc
tool in the same cmsopendata container that you have been using so far or even your own host machine. We will show the example using the container.
- Start your container or create a new one if you wish. We will create a fresh new one (with our own settings; feel free to change them) that we will use for the rest of this lesson (although you can recycle the one you have been using):
docker run --name analysisflow -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --volume="/home/ecarrera/.ssh:/home/cmsusr/.ssh" -v "/home/ecarrera/playground:/playground" cmsopendata/cmssw_5_3_32:latest /bin/bash
- In order not to pollute the
are, we will change to the home directory:
cd ~
- Fetch the installer for the brilcalc conda environment:
- Run the installer:
bash -b -p <localbrilcondabase>
where we substitute <localbrilcondabase>
with brilconda
. This is the directory in which the brilcalc tools will be installed.
- Once installed successfully add the tools to your
with the following command:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/brilconda/bin:$PATH
- Then install brilcalc with this command:
pip install brilws
- Finally check by running the following:
brilcalc --version
which should output 3.6.6.
Lumi calculation example
- Now, as an example, let’s calculate the luminosity for the Run2012B_TauPlusX dataset. Let’s download the list of validated runs from this site:
wget ""
All collision datasets have been released with a similar file. Let’s explore it:
less Cert_190456-208686_8TeV_22Jan2013ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt
{"190645": [[10, 110]], "190646": [[1, 111]], "190659": [[33, 167]], "190679": [[1, 55]], "190688": [[69, 249]], "190702": [[51, 53], [55, 122], [124, 169]], "190703": [[1, 252]], "190704": [[1, 3]], "190705": [[1, 5], [7, 65], [81, 336], [338, 350], [353, 383]], "190706": [[1, 126]], "190707": [[1, 237], [239, 257]], "190708": [[1, 189]], "190733": [[71, 96], [99, 389], [392, 460]], "190736": [[1, 80], [83, 185]], "190738": [[1, 130], [133, 226], [229, 349]], "190782": [[55, 181], [184, 233], [236, 399], [401, 409]], "190895": [[64, 202], [210, 302], [305, 584], [587, 948]], "190906": [[73, 256], [259, 354], [356, 496]], "190945": [[124, 207]], "190949": [[1, 81]], "191043": [[45, 46]], "191046": [[1, 21], [24, 82], [84, 88], [92, 116], [119, 180], [183, 183], [185, 239]], "191056": [[1, 1], [4, 9], [16, 17], [19, 19]], "191057": [[1, 1], [4, 40]], "191062": [[1, 1], [3, 3], [5, 214], ...
It contains the list of runs and luminosity sections in those runs that have been blessed for quality.
Note that the run range for the Run2012B_TauPlusX
dataset is from run 193833
to 196531
- Obtain the integrated luminosity:
brilcalc lumi -c web --type pxl -u /pb --begin 193833 --end 196531 -i Cert_190456-208686_8TeV_22Jan2013ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt > lumi.log &
| nfill | nrun | nls | ncms | totdelivered(/pb) | totrecorded(/pb) |
| 56 | 146 | 50895 | 50895 | 4493.290785044 | 4411.703590626 |
#Check JSON:
#(run,ls) in json but not in results: [(190645, 10), (190645, 11), (190645, 12), (190645, 13), (190645, 14), (190645, 15), (190645, 16), (190645, 17), (190645, 18), (19
0645, 19), (190645, 20), (190645, 21), (190645, 22), (190645, 23), (190645, 24), (190645, 25), (190645, 26), (190645, 27), (190645, 28), (190645, 29), (190645, 30), (19
0645, 31), (190645, 32), (190645, 33), (190645, 34), (190645, 35), (190645, 36), (190645, 37), (190645, 38), (190645, 39), (190645, 40), (190645, 41), (190645, 42), (19
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which is exactly the number quoted in the original we will see later.
Note: You may notice, at the end of the output, luminosity sections that are listed in the json quality file but do not have any luminosity values corresponding to them. These correspond to sections that are left-overs at the end of a run, which where still tagged as STABLE RUN, but actually did not provide any luminosity. These are safe to ignore as they do not contain any events.
Normalization of MC simulations
Whether it is your signal or background process, when it comes to MC simulations there is a key aspect to take into account. Given the process cross section, and the integrated luminosity from collisions data, how many events will you have to simulate and/or use in order to make a good comparison with your data? A key ingredient to answer this question is the scale factor you will have to apply in order to normalize the contribution.
As you may know, the number of events (N) of a given process (with cross section sigma) that are approximately expected to be found in a collisions dataset with integrated luminosity (L) is:
If you happen to simulate Nmc events of a given process with cross section sigma, then to properly normalize this contribution to the known integrated luminosity you need :
I.e., the factor we are looking for is
One should consider this when designing a simulation production (not covered in this workshop but possible with CMS open data infrastructure), and to normalize the simlated datasets already available (we will do this later in the lesson.)
Key Points
A simplified analysis can be done with all the open data tools we have learned so far.
We will be using collisions data from 2012 and several MC simulated datasets.
is a tool for estimating integrated luminosities (and can be also used for obtaining other information like trigger prescales.)