Key Points CMS Jets and MET Jets are spatially-grouped collections of particles that traversed the CMS detector Particles from additional proton-proton collisions (pileup) must be removed from jets Missing transverse energy is the negative vector sum of particle candidates Many of the class methods discussed for other objects can be used for jets Heavy flavor tagging Tagging algorithms separate heavy flavor jets from jets produced by the hadronization of light quarks and gluons Tagging algorithms produce a disriminator value for each jet that represents the likelihood that the jet came from a b hadron Each tagging algorithm has recommended ‘working points’ (discriminator values) based on a misidentification probability for light-flavor jets Jet corrections Jet energy corrections are factorized and account for many mismeasurement effects L1+L2+L3 should be applied to jets used for analyses, with residual corrections for data Jet energy corrections are an source of systematic error and uncertainties should be evaluated Glossary FIXME