Summary and Schedule
One of the most challenging elements of any experimental physics analysis is developing a thorough understanding of the experimental and procedural uncertainties. We will explore different sources of uncertainties in physics analyses, how to apply common corrections to CMS physics objects, and practice evaluating and storing uncertainty values for the \(Z'\) example search.
Setup Instructions | Download files required for the lesson | |
Duration: 00h 00m | 1. Introduction |
Where do uncertainties come from in CMS analysis? How important are uncertainties to our results? |
Duration: 00h 10m | 2. Uncertainty sources |
How are statistical uncertainties modeled in CMS for simulation and
data? How are systematic uncertainties modeled in CMS? What are some of the most common uncertainties for CMS physics objects? |
Duration: 00h 40m | 3. Physics object corrections |
What corrections are provided by CMS for pileup? What corrections are provided by CMS for leptons? What corrections are provided by CMS for jets and MET? How can I access the corrections? |
Duration: 01h 00m | 4. Uncertainties challenge |
How do I use correctionLib to evaluate a scale factor and its
uncertainty? How do I propagate an uncertainty through my analysis? |
Duration: 01h 30m | Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.