This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Electrons and Photons


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How are electrons and photons treated in CMS OpenData?

  • Learn electron member functions for common track-based quantities

  • Bookmark informational web pages for electrons and photons

  • Learn member functions for identification and isolation of electrons

  • Learn member functions for electron detector-related quantities

Electrons and photons are both reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter in CMS, so they share many common properties and functions. In POET we will study the and

Electron 4-vector and track information

In the loop over the electron collection in, we access elements of the four-vector as shown in the last episode:

for (reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator itElec=myelectrons->begin(); itElec!=myelectrons->end(); ++itElec){

Most charged physics objects are also connected to tracks from the CMS tracking detectors. The charge of the object can be queried directly:


Information from tracks provides other kinematic quantities that are common to multiple types of objects. Often, the most pertinent information about an object to access from its associated track is its impact parameter with respect to the primary interaction vertex. Since muons can also be tracked through the muon detectors, we first check if the track is well-defined, and then access impact parameters in the xy-plane (dxy or d0) and along the beam axis (dz), as well as their respective uncertainties.

math::XYZPoint pv(vertices->begin()->position());  // line 148

auto trk = itElec->gsfTrack();

Photons, as neutral objects, do not have a direct track link (though displaced track segments may appear from electrons or positrons produced by the photon as it transits the detector material). While the charge() method exists for all objects, it is not used in photon analyses.

Detector information for identification

The most signicant difference between a list of certain particles from a Monte Carlo generator and a list of the corresponding physics objects from CMS is likely the inherent uncertainty in the reconstruction. Selection of “a muon” or “an electron” for analysis requires algorithms designed to separate “real” objects from “fakes”. These are called identification algorithms.

Other algorithms are designed to measure the amount of energy deposited near the object, to determine if it was likely produced near the primary interaction (typically little nearby energy), or from the decay of a longer-lived particle (typically a lot of nearby energy). These are called isolation algorithms. Many types of isolation algorithms exist to deal with unique physics cases!

Both types of algorithms function using working points that are described on a spectrum from “loose” to “tight”. Working points that are “looser” tend to have a high efficiency for accepting real objects, but perhaps a poor rejection rate for “fake” objects. Working points that are “tighter” tend to have lower efficiencies for accepting real objects, but much better rejection rates for “fake” objects. The choice of working point is highly analysis dependent! Some analyses value efficiency over background rejection, and some analyses are the opposite.

The “standard” identification and isolation algorithm results can be accessed from the physics object classes.

Note: current POET implementations of identification working points are appropriate for 2012 data analysis.

Most reco::<object> classes contain member functions that return detector-related information. In the case of electrons, we see this information used as identification criteria:

bool isLoose = false, isMedium = false, isTight = false;
if ( abs(itElec->eta()) <= 1.479 ) {   
  if ( abs(itElec->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx()) < .007 && abs(itElec->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx()) < .15 && 
       itElec->sigmaIetaIeta() < .01 && itElec->hadronicOverEm() < .12 && 
       abs(trk->dxy(pv)) < .02 && abs(trk->dz(pv)) < .2 && 
       missing_hits <= 1 && passelectronveto==true &&
       abs(1/itElec->ecalEnergy()-1/(itElec->ecalEnergy()/itElec->eSuperClusterOverP()))<.05 &&
       el_pfIso < .15 ){
    isLoose = true;
    if ( abs(itElec->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx())<.004 && abs(itElec->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx())<.06 && abs(trk->dz(pv))<.1 ){
      isMedium = true;
      if (abs(itElec->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx())<.03 && missing_hits<=0 && el_pfIso<.10 ){
        isTight = true;

Let’s break down these criteria:

Isolation is computed in similar ways for all physics objects: search for particles in a cone around the object of interest and sum up their energies, subtracting off the energy deposited by pileup particles. This sum divided by the object of interest’s transverse momentum is called relative isolation and is the most common way to determine whether an object was produced “promptly” in or following the proton-proton collision (ex: electrons from a Z boson decay, or photons from a Higgs boson decay). Relative isolation values will tend to be large for particles that emerged from weak decays of hadrons within jets, or other similar “nonprompt” processes. For electrons, isolation is computed as:

float el_pfiso = 999;
if (itElec->passingPflowPreselection()) {
  double rho = *(rhoHandle.product());
  double Aeff = effectiveArea0p3cone(itElec->eta());
  auto iso03 = itElec->pfIsolationVariables();
  el_pfIso = (iso03.chargedHadronIso + std::max(0,iso03.neutralHadronIso + iso03.photonIso - rho*Aeff)/itElec->pt();

Photon isolation and identification are very similar to the formulas for electrons, with different specific criteria.

Key Points

  • Quantities such as impact parameters and charge have common member functions.

  • Physics objects in CMS are reconstructed from detector signals and are never 100% certain!

  • Identification and isolation algorithms are important for reducing fake objects.

  • Member functions for these algorithms are documented on public TWiki pages.