
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential in advancing particle physics research.
  • Open data enables greater transparency, accessibility, and innovation in scientific research.
  • This hackathon offers a variety of lessons and challenges suitable for participants with different interests and skill levels.

Particle Physics Playground

  • Fundamental concepts in particle physics.
  • Techniques for analyzing particle decay patterns.
  • Practical tools and techniques for particle physics analysis.

Particle Discovery Lab

  • Introduction to particle collision data.
  • Techniques for identifying particles such as muons and electrons.
  • Methods for performing both basic and advanced data analysis.

Introduction to Machine Learning in HEP

  • Introduction to machine learning in particle physics.
  • Comprehensive data preparation for machine learning analysis.
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning techniques specific to HEP.
  • Advanced ML applications in particle physics research.

Machine Learning Practical ApplicationsPractical Application of Machine Learning in Particle Physics

  • Supervised vs. Unsupervised: CNNs require labeled data for training, making them suited for supervised learning tasks where the model learns from explicit examples with known outcomes. Autoencoders, in contrast, utilize unlabeled data and excel in unsupervised learning, focusing on learning data representations and detecting anomalies without predefined labels.
  • Output: CNNs produce predictions or classifications based on input data labels (classification/regression), whereas autoencoders aim to reconstruct input data or generate compressed representations for further analysis.
  • Use Cases: CNNs are ideal for tasks involving structured data such as detector images, where precise classification or segmentation is needed. Autoencoders are particularly useful for exploratory tasks, anomaly detection, and dimensionality reduction in complex datasets where direct supervision is not available.

Analysis Grand Challenge

  • Cross-section measurement using CMS Open Data.
  • Challenges and methods for processing large datasets.
  • Creating reproducible and scalable analysis workflows.