Summary and Setup


Welcome to the CMS Open Data Workshop & Hackathon 2024! This lesson is designed specifically for our remote participants to guide you through the essential aspects of this year’s event. As you join us from different locations around the world, this guide will help you understand the importance of collaboration, the significance of open data, and how you can engage with various challenges and activities throughout the hackathon.

What to Expect

In this workshop, you will engage in hands-on lessons covering particle physics, data analysis, and machine learning. You will work on real particle collision data, apply machine learning techniques, and tackle complex analysis tasks. Whether you’re new to the field or an experienced participant, there’s something for everyone.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey of discovery and collaboration together!

Key Points

  • Understand the Importance of Collaboration: Discover why working together and sharing knowledge is crucial in particle physics research.
  • Learn About Open Data: Explore the role of open data and the open science community in advancing scientific discoveries.
  • Get an Overview of Hackathon Challenges: Familiarize yourself with the different lessons and challenges designed to enhance your skills and contribute to the field.


This lesson requires a computer with an internet connection and a bash shell (either native Linux, MacOs or Windows WSL2 Linux). You should have Docker installed and the Docker pre-exercises finished so that you can access the containers my_root and my_python created as instructed there.