Using uproot to open ROOT files


Teaching: 10 min min
Exercises: 10 min min
  • How do I open a ROOT file with uproot?

  • How do I explore what is in the file?

  • Use a different library than ROOT to open ROOT files

  • Get comfortable with a different way of examining ROOT files

Other resources

Before we go any further, we point out that this episode and the next are only the most basic introductions to uproot and awkward. There is a plethora of material that go much deeper and we list just a few here.

How to type these commands?

Now that you’ve installed the necessary python modules you can choose to write and execute the code however you like. There are a number of options, but we will point out two here.

print("Hello world!")

You could save the file and then (perhaps in another Terminal window), execute


This would interpret your text file as python commands and produce the output

Hello world!

We leave it to you to decide which approach you prefer.

Open a file

Let’s open a ROOT file! If you’re writing a python script, let’s call it and if you’re using a Jupyter notebook, let’s call it open_root_file.ipynb. If you are working in the container, you will open and edit the python script on your local computer and run it in the container, or you will open a notebook on your jupyter-lab window in the browser.

First we will import the uproot library, as well as some other standard libraries. These can be the first lines of your python script or the first cell of your Jupyter notebook.

If this is a script, you may want to run python every few lines or so to see the output. If this is a Jupyter notebook, you will want to put each snippet of code in its own cell and execute them as you go to see the output.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

import uproot
import awkward as ak

Let’s open the file! We’ll make use of uproots use of XRootD to read in the file over the network. This will save us from having to download the file.

infile_name = 'root://'

infile =

Download the file?

If too many people are trying to open the same file, it may be easier to download the file to your laptop. You can execute the following command in the bash terminal.

curl --output SMHiggsToZZTo4L.root

Alternatively, you can follow this link to the data record on the CERN Open Data Portal. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Download button.

For the remainder of this tutorial you will want the file to be in the same directory/folder as your python code, whether you are using a Jupyter notebook or a simple python script. So make sure you move this file to that location after you have downloaded it.

To read in the file, you’ll change one line to define the input file to be

infile_name = 'SMHiggsToZZTo4L.root'

So you’ve opened the file with uproot. What is this infile object? Let’s add the following code


and we get

<class 'uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory'>

We can interface with this object similar to how we would interface with a python dictionary.

keys = infile.keys()


But what is this?

events = infile['Events']

<class 'uproot.models.TTree.Model_TTree_v20'>

Ah, this is the TTree object that we learned a bit about in the previous episodes! Let’s see what’s in it!

branches = infile['Events'].keys()

for branch in branches:
    print(f"{branch:20s} {infile['Events'][branch]}")
run                  <TBranch 'run' at 0x7faa76d2cdd8>
luminosityBlock      <TBranch 'luminosityBlock' at 0x7faa76d2cda0>
event                <TBranch 'event' at 0x7faa76d13748>
PV_npvs              <TBranch 'PV_npvs' at 0x7faa76d13e10>
PV_x                 <TBranch 'PV_x' at 0x7faa76d194e0>
PV_y                 <TBranch 'PV_y' at 0x7faa76d19ba8>
PV_z                 <TBranch 'PV_z' at 0x7faa76d212b0>
nMuon                <TBranch 'nMuon' at 0x7faa76d21978>
Muon_pt              <TBranch 'Muon_pt' at 0x7faa76d5c080>
Muon_eta             <TBranch 'Muon_eta' at 0x7faa76d5c6d8>
Muon_phi             <TBranch 'Muon_phi' at 0x7faa76d5ccc0>
Muon_mass            <TBranch 'Muon_mass' at 0x7faa76d582e8>
Muon_charge          <TBranch 'Muon_charge' at 0x7faa76d588d0>
Muon_pfRelIso03_all  <TBranch 'Muon_pfRelIso03_all' at 0x7faa76d58eb8>
Muon_pfRelIso04_all  <TBranch 'Muon_pfRelIso04_all' at 0x7faa76d4e4e0>
Muon_dxy             <TBranch 'Muon_dxy' at 0x7faa76d4eac8>
Muon_dxyErr          <TBranch 'Muon_dxyErr' at 0x7faa7443a0f0>
Muon_dz              <TBranch 'Muon_dz' at 0x7faa7443a6d8>
Muon_dzErr           <TBranch 'Muon_dzErr' at 0x7faa7443ad30>
nElectron            <TBranch 'nElectron' at 0x7faa74442358>
Electron_pt          <TBranch 'Electron_pt' at 0x7faa74442940>
Electron_eta         <TBranch 'Electron_eta' at 0x7faa74442f28>
Electron_phi         <TBranch 'Electron_phi' at 0x7faa7444a550>
Electron_mass        <TBranch 'Electron_mass' at 0x7faa7444ab38>
Electron_charge      <TBranch 'Electron_charge' at 0x7faa74451160>
Electron_pfRelIso03_all <TBranch 'Electron_pfRelIso03_all' at 0x7faa74451748>
Electron_dxy         <TBranch 'Electron_dxy' at 0x7faa74451d30>
Electron_dxyErr      <TBranch 'Electron_dxyErr' at 0x7faa74459358>
Electron_dz          <TBranch 'Electron_dz' at 0x7faa74459940>
Electron_dzErr       <TBranch 'Electron_dzErr' at 0x7faa74459f28>
MET_pt               <TBranch 'MET_pt' at 0x7faa7445f550>
MET_phi              <TBranch 'MET_phi' at 0x7faa7445fbe0>

There are multiple syntax you can access each of these branches.

pt = infile['Events']['Muon_pt']

# or 

pt = infile['Events/Muon_pt']

# or

pt = events.Muon_pt

# or

pt = events['Muon_pt']

We’ll use that last one for this lesson just to save some typing. :)

In the next episode we’ll use the awkward array object when we extract these data and see how we can use awkward in a standard-but-slow way or in a clever-and-fast way!

Key Points

  • You can use uproot to interface with ROOT files which is often easier than installing the full ROOT ecosystem.