Virtual Machines on Microsoft Azure: Setup


This repository contains a hands-on exercise that guides you through the process of creating a virtual machine (VM) on Microsoft Azure and leveraging the power of containerization. By following this exercise, you will learn how to install essential container images and access them through a graphical user interface using Virtual Network Computing (VNC).

In this exercise, you will:

Learn how to create a VM on Microsoft Azure using Azure for Students, which provides free access to the cloud and initial credits. Install three essential container images on the VM: CMS software (CMSSW), ROOT, and Python tools. Utilize the VNC interface to seamlessly access the graphical interface of the containerized applications in a browser window, facilitating data analysis and visualization. Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  1. An Azure for Students account. You can sign up for an account on the Azure Portal using your academic email.
  2. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Azure and virtual machines.
  3. An SSH client installed on your machine for connecting to the VM.


Additional resources and references:


Special thanks to Microsoft Azure for providing the Azure for Students offering and supporting student learning and exploration in the cloud computing domain.