Cleaning up


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How do I delete containers and associated data from my Azure VM?

  • Delete containers created on Azure

  • Perform a validation test to ensure that the installation of CMSSW, ROOT, and Python containers is successful.

Deleting Docker Containers

To delete the Docker containers and associated data, you can use the following commands:


docker rm my_od
rm -rf cms_open_data_work


docker rm my_root
rm -rf cms_open_data_root


docker rm my_python
rm -rf cms_open_data_python

Running these commands will remove the respective docker containers from your system. Additionally, it will delete the corresponding directories (cms_open_data_work, cms_open_data_root, cms_open_data_python) containing the data associated with each container.

Please note that deleting the containers will permanently remove the data stored inside them. Make sure to back up any important data before executing these commands.

Validation Test

To validate the installation and ensure that everything is working fine, you can perform a validation test. Follow the steps of this test page.

Note: This page provides instructions on how to test the functionality of CMSSW, ROOT, and Python within the docker containers.

Stopping a Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure

If you intend to reuse the created VM in the future, it is recommended to stop the VM. Stopping a VM in Azure may be advisable to prevent the consumption of your free credit or to avoid incurring additional costs.

To stop a virtual machine on Microsoft Azure, follow these steps:

  1. Shut down the VM from the Ubuntu shell.
  2. Go to the Home page in the Azure portal.
  3. Click on the Virtual machines icon.
  4. The list of created VMs will be displayed.
  5. Select the VM you wish to stop and choose the Stop option at the top.
  6. A confirmation message will appear: “Do you want to stop all the selected virtual machines?” Select the Yes option.
  7. The stopping process may take a few seconds.
  8. Once completed, you will find a notification at the top indicating: “Executed stop command on 1 selected items. Succeeded: 1, Failed: 0, Canceled: 0.”

Deleting a Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure

If you do not intend to reuse the created VM in the future, it is recommended to delete the VM. Deleting a VM in Azure may be advisable to prevent the consumption of your free credit or to avoid incurring additional costs.

To delete a virtual machine and its associated resources on Microsoft Azure, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Home page in the Azure portal.
  2. Click on the Virtual machines icon.
  3. The list of created VMs will be displayed.
  4. Check the VM you want to delete and select the Delete option at the top.
  5. You will receive a confirmation message: “Do you want to delete all the selected virtual machines?” Type “yes” in the Confirm delete box.
  6. The deletion process may take a few seconds.
  7. Once completed, the VM should no longer be visible in the virtual machines list.

Key Points

  • Containers will permanently remove the data stored inside them. Therefore, it is recommended to back up any important data before executing these commands.