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Run2 new physics search example with ADL/CutLang: Glossary

Key Points

  • ADL is a declarative domain specific language (DSL) that describes the physics content of a HEP analysis in a standard and unambiguous way.

  • ADL’s purpose is to decouple the physics logic of analyses from technical operations, and make the physics logic more accessible.

  • CutLang is a runtime interpreter that reads and understands the ADL syntax and runs it on events.

Installing CutLang
  • For up-to-date details for installing CutLang, the official documentation is the best bet.

  • Make sure you were able to setup CutLang via Docker and run its hello-world example.

  • Running CLA is the only thing that a user must know in order to work with CutLang

Vector-like quark analysis with ADL/CutLang: Part 1: Analysis algorithm, histograms, local runs
  • The domain-specific and declarative nature of ADL makes it easy to express and communicate complex and extensive analysis algorithms.

  • Basic selection requirements are implemented very easily using ADL.

Vector-like quark analysis with ADL/CutLang: Part 2: Full analysis, shape comparisons, analysis results
  • In a HEP analysis, we usually see two types of plots: distribution shape comparisons between different processes (normalized to a constant, e.g. 1), and plots showing data, backgrounds and signals (normalized to integrated luminosity).

  • Once an ADL analysis is run by CutLang, the output files can be analyzed with simple ROOT scripts to obtain both types of plots.
