This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Analyzing Run 1 data


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 50 min
  • How can I analyze larger ROOT files?

  • Demonstrate examples of accessing ROOT files remotely

  • To compare and contrast using standard ROOT approaches and newer ROOT objects like RDataFrame

Analyzying the dimuon samples

This lesson will be primarily following the material found here about using the NanoAOD for Run 1 format in an analysis of the dimuon samples.

Potential pitfalls!

We’ll be running over some larger ROOT files in this lesson and for some of you, memory issues may cause some errors or crashes of the code. If that happens, it is primarily restricted to this exercise and you should feel free to simply follow along with the instructor.

Download the code and scripts

Launch your Docker container, as per the previous episode. From inside your Docker container, we’re going to execute a series of curl commands. curl is a widely used utility to download files from remote locations. Simply highlight the commands below and cut-and-paste them into your Docker terminal, or your local terminal if you are working without Docker.

curl  --output Dimuon2011_eospublic.C  
curl --output  Dimuon2011_eospublic_RDF.C 
curl --output  Dimuon2011_local.C 
curl --output  Dimuon2011_local_RDF.C 
curl --output  MuHistos_eospublic.cxx 
curl --output  MuHistos_local.cxx 
curl --output  dimuonSpectrum2012_eospublic.C 
curl --output  dimuonSpectrum2012_eospublic_test.C 
curl --output 
curl  --output dimuonSpectrum2012_local.C  
curl --output 
curl   --output dimuonSpectrum2012_outreach.C   
curl  --output  

You can look to see that the files were downloaded properly by typing

ls -ltr

Run some of the commands

Your instructor will be executing most of these commands, some of which might take a few minutes to run.

In most cases, these scripts produce an output .pdf file with a name similar to that of the script itself. If you have any issues with ROOT displaying the plots as they are made, you can view the .pdf files on your local system by looking in the cms_open_data_run1 directory that you created.

Zeroth example

The first thing we will do is run a very simple ROOT script that loads in a single, relatively small file from your laptop and produces a plot of the dimuon spectrum. Because it is a single file, we will not have the same amount of data in this plot as later examples, but you can use this to check your connection and X windows forwarding (e.g. does the plot pop up?).

First, let’s download the file, using one of the XRootD utilities, xrdcp that allows us to download files.

xrdcp root:// .

The file is about 1.4 Gb, but should take less than a minute to download.

xrdcp alternative

If xrdcp is not running/working, you can also download this file with this command

curl --output 03C5684F-8BAF-4312-8235-2B0039F2FB93.root

Once it it is downloaded, you can process this one file by running dimuonSpectrum2012_eospublic_test.C in ROOT. To do so, you will launch ROOT with the name of the script as an argument.

root -l dimuonSpectrum2012_eospublic_test.C

It should take less than one minute to run and if it does, you will see a window pop up that looks like the following image.

CMS dimuon spectrum - 2012 data sample

Invariant mass of a select sample of oppositely charged dimuon pairs. Derived from a smaller subset of 2012 data.

If you are having issues with X11 forwarding, the script should still create a file dimuonSpectrum2012_C_eospublic.pdf in the cms_open_data_run1 directory you made, and you can view it there.

In the following sections, the scripts are written so as to run over larger files that you access remotely. Depending on your connection, it may take longer than the time alotted for this activity during the workshop, in which case you are encouraged to follow along with the instructor and run these on your own time, if you so choose.

First example

Let’s run the first command making use of ROOT’s ability to compile and execute a file in one step. This might take 5 minutes for local participants at CERN, but longer for remote participants.

root -l MuHistos_eospublic.cxx++ 
root [0]
Processing MuHistos_eospublic.cxx++...
Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library /code/./
reading root://
writing to MuHistos_Mu_eospublic.root
entries = 26718043
event nr 0
event nr 1000000
event nr 2000000
event nr 3000000
event nr 4000000
event nr 5000000
event nr 6000000
event nr 7000000
event nr 8000000
event nr 9000000
event nr 10000000
event nr 11000000
event nr 12000000
event nr 13000000
event nr 14000000
event nr 15000000
event nr 16000000
event nr 17000000
event nr 18000000
event nr 19000000
event nr 20000000
event nr 21000000
event nr 22000000
event nr 23000000
event nr 24000000
event nr 25000000
event nr 26000000

After the above output, the program will finish and will return the command-line prompt. The program should have produced an output file called MuHistos_Mu_eospublic.root. You can check this by typing

ls -l MuHistos_Mu_eospublic.root
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmsusr cmsusr 31625 Jul 31 22:57 MuHistos_Mu_eospublic.root

You can open this file in ROOT and inspect it with a TBrowser. First type

root -l MuHistos_Mu_eospublic.root

This will put you into the ROOT environment, from which you can then launch the TBrowser from the prompt (you needn’t type the root [0]).

root [0] TBrowser b;

You can then click on the file name in the window and then click on the various histograms to view them.

Example 2 (RDataFrame)

A different example runs over a smaller (2 Gb) file, primarily used for outreach, and makes use of ROOT’s relatively newer RDataFrame object. You can run this example by launching ROOT from the commandline.

root -l dimuonSpectrum2012_outreach.C

It should only take a few minutes to run and if X-forwarding is working for you, you should see a ROOT window pop up that looks like this.

CMS dimuon spectrum

Invariant mass of a select sample of oppositely charged dimuon pairs.

Example 3 (2011 data)

This example runs over 2011 data that was used for more “real” analysis. Takes about 15 minutes at CERN.

root -l Dimuon2011_eospublic_RDF.C

When it finishes, it should pop up a window with the following plot.

CMS dimuon spectrum - 2011 data sample

Invariant mass of a select sample of oppositely charged dimuon pairs. Derived from 2011 data.

Key Points

  • Making use of RDataFrame can speed up your analysis

  • You have different options to call ROOT

  • You can access files remotely or download them for local access