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Trigger Manipulation: Glossary

Key Points

  • The CMS trigger system filters uninteresting events, keeping the budget high for the flow of interesting data.

  • Computationally, a trigger is a CMSSW path, which is composed of several software modules.

  • Trigger prescales allow the data acquisition to adjust to changes in instantaneous luminosity while keeping the rate of incomming data under control

  • The trigger systems allows for the classification and organization of datasets by physics objects of interest

Choosing a trigger
  • The most reliable way of inspecting the trigger information is through the CMSSW HLT trigger tools.

  • The details for a given trigger can be explored through the CMSSW configuration and/or C++ implementation.

Getting trigger prescales
  • Prescales can be extracted using the trigger tools in CMSSW and from the brilcalc tool.
