This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Luminosity: Further information

Key Points

  • Luminosity is a measure of how many collisions are delivered to and recorded by the detector.

  • Instantaneous luminosity is usually expressed as the number of collisions per square centimeter per second.

  • Integrated luminosity is the integral of instantaneous luminosity over time and is a measurement of data size. It is usually expressed in units of inverse cross section.

  • Knowing the luminosity is important to determining and measuring accelerator and detector performance and operation. It is also an essential component for measuring cross sections and for setting limits on beyond-SM processes.

  • Measurement of luminosity is done with several systems in the detector.

Installing brilcalc
  • brilcalc is a command-line tool provided by the CMS BRIL group for calculating luminosity

Calculating luminosity
  • One can calculate luminosity offline using the brilcalc tool

  • By using the lists of validated runs one can calculate luminosity for data which is certified as ‘good for physics’

Further information


Luminosity (instantaneous)
the number of collisions per cross section per time
Luminosity (integrated)
the sum of the instantaneous luminosity over time, a measure of data collected, often given in units of cross section such as \(\mathrm{fb}^{-1}\)
The Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity (BRIL) group in CMS, responsible for luminosity measurements
the command-line tool provided and maintained by the CMS BRIL group for calculating luminosity