This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Installing brilcalc


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What do I use to calculate luminosity myself?

  • How do I install the tools needed to calculate luminosity?

  • Know what tool to use to calculate luminosity

  • Know how to install this tool in the CMS Open Data environment

The CMS Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity (BRIL) group provides a command-line tool called brilcalc. With brilcalc one can calculate luminosity.


If you are using the VM, or if are using the docker container and have the cvmfs file system installed locally, do the following to install brilcalc.

Set your PATH:

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/cvmfs/$PATH

Install BRIL software using pip:

pip install --user brilws

At the end of a successful installation you should see the messages:

Successfully built brilws
Installing collected packages: brilws
Successfully installed brilws

Check the installation by running the command:

brilcalc --version

which should output a version number.

Key Points

  • brilcalc is a command-line tool provided by the CMS BRIL group for calculating luminosity