Persistent storage

Last updated on 2024-10-21 | Edit this page



  • How to create a Google Cloud Storage bucket?
  • What are the basic operations?
  • What are the cost of storage and download?


  • Learn to create a Google Cloud Storage bucket
  • Learn to list the contents of a bukcet
  • Understand the persistant storage costs.

Storage for the output files

The processing workflow writes the output files to a storage from which they can be downloaded afterwards.

For this tutorial, we use a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.


The storage is created separately from the cluster resources. You can then delete the cluster just after the processing and avoid unnecessary costs, but keep the output files.


GCP account and project

Make sure that you are in the GCP account and project that you intend to use for this work. In your Linux terminal, type


gcloud config list

The output shows your account and project.

If they are not what you expect (in case you have many), change them with

gcloud config set account <ACCOUNT>



gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>


You can can check the credentialed accounts with


gcloud auth list

If you get none or your account does not appear in the list, run


gcloud init

and follow the steps in the output.


List the projects within the active account with


gcloud projects list

Billing account?

If this is your first project or you created it from the Google Cloud Console Web UI, it will have a billing account linked to it, and you are ready to go.

If you created the project from the command line without specifying the billing account, you must link it to an existing billing account.

First list the billing accounts


gcloud billing accounts list

Take the account id from the output, and check if your project is linked to it


gcloud billing projects list --billing-account <ACCOUNT_ID>

If not, link your project to this account with


gcloud billing projects link <PROJECT_ID> --billing-account <ACCOUNT_ID>

Choose your region

In this tutorial, we will use the Google computing centre europe-west4 located in Netherlands. You can use another one, but use it consistently.

If you computing resources are in a different region than your storage, additional costs and delay may occur.

Create the bucket

Create a storage bucket with


gcloud storage buckets create gs://<BUCKET_NAME> --location europe-west4

You can test copying a file to it with


echo test > test.txt
gcloud storage cp test.txt gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/

and list the contents of the bucket with


gcloud storage ls gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/*

You can remove the file with


gcloud storage rm gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/test.txt

Note that the bucket is tied to your GCP project and you can only access it when authenticated.



The storage cost of a GCS bucket depends on the data volume. The costs may vary from a region to another. For europe-west4, the current (October 2024) monthly cost is $0.020 / GB.


An operation is an action that makes changes to or retrieves information from a bucket and it has a tiny cost: $0.005 per 1000 operations. This applies, for example, to listing the contents of the bucket on your terminal. The traffic between GCP computing resources and storage within the same region (e.g. in europe-west4) is free.

In the context of this tutorial, the operations costs are insignificant. However, keep this is mind if you plan to write scripts that list the bucket content from your terminal.

Networking and download

Downloading data from the GCS bucket to your computer has a significant cost: the current (October 2024) cost to internet locations (excluding China and Austalia) is $0.12 / GB.

In the context of the example of this tutorial, the resulting output files are approximately 30% of the original MiniAOD dataset volume. For example, downloading the 330 GB ouput from a processing of a 1.1 TB MiniAOD dataset will cost $40.

Key Points

  • Google Cloud Storage bucket can be used to store the output files.
  • The storage cost depends on the volume stored and for this type of processing is very small.
  • The download of big output files from the bucket can be costly.