CMS Physics Objects

During the group lessons, we will focus on using traditional CMS ``physics objects” to design an analysis. This pre-reading is intended to familiarize you with how these objects are reconstructed by CMS and extracted from 2015 MiniAOD files by the Physics Object Extractor Tool package.


  • For this lesson we will be using the CMSSW Docker container you already used during the pre-exercises. Note: if you have the Apple M1/M2 chips, you are likely unable to perform cmsRun jobs in this container, but you could still investigate the code either in the ROOT container or on github.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. General Physics Objects and POET What do we call physics objects in CMS?
How are physics objects reconstructed?
What is POET?
How do I run POET?
01:00 2. Electrons What are electromagnetic objects
How are electrons treated in CMS?
What variable are available using POET?
How can one add a new electron variable?
01:40 3. Muons How are muons reconstructed in CMS?
How are muons treated in CMS OpenData?
How do I add variables to the muon analyzer?
02:20 4. Jets and MET How are jets and missing transverse energy treated in CMS OpenData?
02:35 5. Extra reading: Heavy flavor tagging How are b hadrons identified in CMS
02:35 6. Extra reading: Jet corrections How are data/simulation differences dealt with for jet energy?
How do uncorrected and corrected jet momenta compare?
How large is the JEC uncertainty in different regions?
How large is the JER uncertainty in different regions?
02:35 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.