
  • Git is a version control system.
  • It is widely used, it is the most popular source code management tool.
  • We will use Git during the hands-on sessions to store and share code.

Learning Git

  • Excellent Git tutorials exist.
  • Take your time to work through them.

Basic setup

  • You need to configure Git user information for your local repository.
  • You can use an SSH key to authenticate your connection to GitHub from terminal.


  • You can turn any directory to a versioned code repository with Git.
  • You can upload the content of a local repository to a remote repository such as GitHub.
  • You can contribute to other Git repositories.

Store and share your code

  • It is easy to store and share your code through a GitHub repository.
  • Clear instructions make it possible for other people to run your code.
  • You can contribute to other repositories from your own fork, or directly to the repository if you are added as a collaborator.
  • Other people can contribute to your repository through pull requests from their own fork.