
  • The variable list with a variable brief description is linked to all CMS NanoAOD datasets.
  • CMS Physics Objects pre-learning lesson describes different physics object variables in more detail.

Differences between NanoAOD and MiniAOD

  • Analyses that require detailed information about physics object constituents may require using MiniAOD instead of NanoAOD
  • Selected datasets include Particle Flow candidates in an enriched NanoAOD format are available and their use does not require using CMS-specific software
  • CMSSW environment is available as a Docker container and can be used to work with MiniAOD

NanoAOD datasets

  • Use search facets and text search with wildcards to narrow your search.
  • You can find the variable names with a brief explanation from the record, explained more in detail in the prelearning lesson and print them out directly from the file.
  • NanoAOD files can be opened using the uproot package and the awkward packaged can be use to handle varying-length arrays.