Apptainer for CMS open data

Last updated on 2024-07-09 | Edit this page



  • What apptainer images are available for my work with the CMS open data?


  • Download the ROOT and python images and launch the containers on a remote cluster



  • Apptainer installed on your remote cluster
  • A copy of the ROOT and Python container images: Downlowd the .sif files from here


This is an optional section for you to try out as an alternative to docker. This section will provide an overview of how to use apptainer images on a remote cluster. Apptainer is a package that many clusters install to manage containerized software, particularly if a batch job system is connected to the cluster. If your cluster has Apptainer available, you can use our Open Data toolkits without requesting additional software installation on the cluster itself.

Although the images have been verified to work, additional work may need to be done on your side to tune your specific configurations/permissions to allow remote windows (e.g., a jupyter-lab browser or a ROOT TBrowser) to open. If you intend to use these images during the workshop, please make sure you download the images before the workshop. The images are between about 0.5 to 1 GB, and may take 30 minutes or more to download.

Python tools container

After you have the pre-requisite .sif images downloaded to your system, copy them onto the remote cluster that you will use to analyze Open Data, perhaps using scp.

Start the Python container with:


apptainer shell python-vnc_python3.10.5.sif

You will get a container prompt similar to this:



This is a bash shell in the container. You can now open jupyter lab from the container prompt by typing


Singularity> jupyter-lab --ip= --no-browser

The result should be a web link that you can enter into your browser to see your jupyter notebook. Click on the Jupyter notebook icon to open a new notebook.

ROOT tools container

Download the ROOT image from the folder listed here and copy it onto your remote cluster.

Start the container with:


apptainer shell root-vnc_latest.sif 

You will get a container prompt similar to this:



If you type:


Singularity> root

you will get a welcome message, and a root prompt that looks like


Singularity> root [0]

Unlike the docker container, start_vnc should not be necessary to view plots from ROOT. Test this by opening a ROOT browser:


Singularity> root [0] TBrowser t

If you do see the browser GUI appear, reach out on the apptainer help mattermost channel. You can exit ROOT and the container by entering:


Singularity> root [1] .q
Singularity> exit


Homework: confirm your containers work

Please visit the assignment form and answer a few questions about your container. You need to sign in and click on the submit button in order to save your work. You can go back to edit the form at any time.

Challenges from the previous episode

If you skipped the previous episode because you are working on a remote cluster, go back one page and try the exercises using apptainer. The main goal of these exercises is to make sure you are able to execute important commands inside the containers and access stored files. Recall that for the ROOT exercise, start_vnc and stop_vnc should not be necessary. If you need help, contact us in Mattermost.

Key Points

  • You have now set up apptainer containers to work with CMS Open Data.
  • You know how to open a graphical window of ROOT or a jupyterlab in your browser using software installed in the container.