
Figure 1

Figure 2

A transverse slice of the CMS detector and the particles detected by each subdetector.
A transverse slice of the CMS detector and the particles detected by each subdetector.

Tracker detector

Figure 1

Figure 2

A schematic of a pixel detector.
A schematic of a pixel detector.

Figure 3

Silicon strips in the tracker barrel.
Silicon strips in the tracker barrel.

Figure 4

A projected event display view of the CMS tracker (contained within the ECAL barrel and endcaps) looking perpendicular to the beam pipe.
A projected event display view of the CMS tracker (contained within the ECAL barrel and endcaps) looking perpendicular to the beam pipe.

Figure 5


Figure 6


Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL)

Figure 1

Figure 2

Lead tungstate crystals. One can see an APD attached to the end of one of the crystals at the bottom of the image.
Lead tungstate crystals. One can see an APD attached to the end of one of the crystals at the bottom of the image.

Figure 3


Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL)

Figure 1

Figure 2

A schematic view of the HCAL detectors, looking “from the side”, perpendicular to the beam pipe.
A schematic view of the HCAL detectors, looking “from the side”, perpendicular to the beam pipe.

Superconducting magnet

Figure 1

Muon detectors

Figure 1

Figure 2

A transverse slice of CMS slowing a muon passing through RPCs and DTs in the barrel.
A transverse slice of CMS slowing a muon passing through RPCs and DTs in the barrel.

Figure 3


Figure 4

Figure 5

An event display of a muon seen in DTs. The green volumes indicate the position of the triggered wires.
An event display of a muon seen in DTs. The green volumes indicate the position of the triggered wires.

Figure 6

Installed CSCs.
Installed CSCs.

Figure 7

A double muon event seen in CMS with highlighted matching CSCs (in red).
A double muon event seen in CMS with highlighted matching CSCs (in red).

Figure 8

Event display of a muon seen in CSCs. The pink lines running along the long end of the chambers indicate the triggered strips and the shorter pink lines represent the triggered wires.
Event display of a muon seen in CSCs. The pink lines running along the long end of the chambers indicate the triggered strips and the shorter pink lines represent the triggered wires.

Figure 9

Resistive plate chambers installed on one of the CMS muon endcaps.
Resistive plate chambers installed on one of the CMS muon endcaps.

Figure 10

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Figure 11

The layers of an RPC
The layers of an RPC