Lesson Title

This lesson is designed to teach you how to explore available CMS datasets on the CERN Open Data portal. You will find the primary datasets in which collision data were directed when the data were taken, and simulated Monte Carlo samples that are available for the run period you are interested in.

You’ll also be shown how to do a first-order inspection of some of these datafiles, just to see what is stored in them.

If you run into problems with any of these steps, please reach out to the organizers through the dedicated Mattermost channel for this lesson. General questions about the workshop as a whole can be posted on the Mattermost channel for the workshop.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is the point of these exercises?
How do I find the data I want to work with?
00:10 2. Where are the datasets? Where do I find datasets for data and Monte Carlo?
00:20 3. What data and Monte Carlo are available? What data and run periods are available?
What data do the collision datasets contain?
What Monte Carlo samples are available?
00:35 4. What is in the datafiles? How do I inspect these files to see what is in them?
00:45 5. Break Is it time for a break?
01:00 6. Hands-on activity How well do you understand what we covered?
01:30 7. Final challenge How well do you understand what we covered?
02:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.