This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Introduction to the CMS Trigger


  • For this lesson we will be using the CMSSW Docker container you already used during the pre-exercises.
  • After you completed the pre-exercises, you should have now a good understanding about ROOT and the basic aspects of CMSSW.


Setup Before we begin
00:00 1. Introduction What is the CMS trigger system and why is it needed?
What is a trigger path in CMS?
How does the trigger depend on instantaneous luminosity and why are prescales necessary?
What do streams and datasets have to do with triggers?
00:10 2. MiniAOD triggering How can I access trigger information from miniAOD files?
What are trigger objects?
00:35 3. Triggering with HLT Providers Why might I need to access the DB conditions for trigger studies?
What are the HLTConfigProvider and HLTPrescaleProvider classes?
What kind of triggers will be needed for our next lessons?
01:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.