Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
What is luminosity?
What is the difference between instantaneous and integrated luminosity?
Why is knowing the luminosity important?
How is the luminosity measured?
Know what luminosity is and why it is important
Know how luminosity is measured
Luminosity and its importance
The luminosity of a collider is the number of collisions per area (i.e. cross section) per time. The typical unit is \(\mathrm{cm^{-2} s^{-1}}\). This luminosity is sometimes referred to as the “instantaneous” luminosity \(\mathcal{L}_{inst}\). The “integrated” luminosity is the integral of the instantaneous luminosity over time:
[\mathcal{L}{int} = \int \mathcal{L}{inst} dt]
The integrated luminosity is a measurement of data size and is usually expressed in units of inverse cross section such as \(\mathrm{fb^{-1}}\).
The importance of knowing the integrated luminosity cannot be overstated. It is an esssential component for measuring cross sections and for setting upper limits on new physics processes beyond the Standard Model. You can’t determine well how much you see (or don’t see) coming out of the collisions if you don’t know accurately and precisely what came in.
Measuring luminosity
CMS has several systems for measuring luminosity including making use of the hadronic forward calorimeter and the pixel detector. There have also been several dedicated luminometers installed over the course of operation of CMS.
The readout rate of quantities like hits in a detector (like a luminometer) is given by \(R\) and is given by the product of the instantaneous luminosity \(\mathcal{L}_{inst}\) and the visible cross section \(\sigma_{vis}\):
[R = \mathcal{L}{inst} \sigma{vis}]
The determination of \(\sigma_{vis}\) is carried out in so-called van der Meer (VdM) scans. In these scans the two colliding beams are separated and then moved across each other. The rate \(R\) is then determined as a function of beam separation to measure the beam overlap width.
The instantaneous luminosity \(\mathcal{L}^{i}_{inst}\) for a single colliding bunch \(i\) can be determined from the beam overlap width and known beam parameters such as the number of protons in each colliding bunch for each beam and the LHC orbit frequency. Then a value for \(\sigma_{vis}\) can be obtained.
A VdM scan is a special beam condition but this value of \(\sigma_{vis}\) still holds for regular colliding beam conditions (since the detector acceptance has in-principle not changed). Therefore this value along with \(R\) can be used to subsequently determine \(\mathcal{L}_{inst}\).
In practice the performance of the luminometers can degrade over time due to effects such as radiation damage. CMS is capable of conducting fast luminosity scans with small beam separation, so-called “emmittance scans”. These scans, performed similarly to VdM scans, can take just a few minutes and are typically performed at the beginning and at the end of a fill.
Key Points
Luminosity is a measure of how many collisions are delivered to and recorded by the detector.
Instantaneous luminosity is usually expressed as the number of collisions per square centimeter per second.
Integrated luminosity is the integral of instantaneous luminosity over time and is a measurement of data size. It is usually expressed in units of inverse cross section.
Knowing the luminosity is important to determining and measuring accelerator and detector performance and operation. It is also an essential component for measuring cross sections and for setting limits on beyond-SM processes.
Measurement of luminosity is done with several systems in the detector.
Installing brilcalc
Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
What do I use to calculate luminosity myself?
How do I install the tools needed to calculate luminosity?
Know what tool to use to calculate luminosity
Know how to install this tool in the CMS Open Data environment
The CMS Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity (BRIL) group provides a command-line tool called brilcalc
With brilcalc
one can calculate luminosity.
To install brilcalc, run
docker run -it --name brilws
Alternative ways of using brilcalc can be found at
Check the installation by running the command:
brilcalc --version
which should output a version number.
Key Points
is a command-line tool provided by the CMS BRIL group for calculating luminosity
Calculating luminosity
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 10 minQuestions
How do I calculate luminosity?
How do I calculate luminosity for only ‘good’ data?
Know how to calculate luminosity and understand how to do this for only ‘good’ data
Important note
It is important that you use the
-c web
option when runningbrilcalc
. This specifies that you use indirect access to BRIL servers via web cache. For users of CMS open data outside CERN and CMS this is the only option that will work.
Important note
There is a useful help option for
and its commands:brilcalc --help
usage: brilcalc (-h|--help|--version) brilcalc [--debug|--warn] <command> [<args>...] commands: lumi Luminosity beam Beam trg Trigger configurations See 'brilcalc <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.
Of particular use will be the
brilcalc lumi
Calculating luminosity for a particular run
Let’s calculate the integrated luminosity for a particular run found in the CMS Open Data.
brilcalc lumi -c web -r 160431
#Data tag : 19v3 , Norm tag: onlineresult
| run:fill | time | nls | ncms | delivered(/ub) | recorded(/ub) |
| 160431:1615 | 03/14/11 03:08:07 | 243 | 218 | 8781.334977241 | 7879.289611261 |
| nfill | nrun | nls | ncms | totdelivered(/ub) | totrecorded(/ub) |
| 1 | 1 | 243 | 218 | 8781.334977241 | 7879.289611261 |
Luminosity and validated data
During data taking only those runs in which all the subdetectors, triggers, luminosity, and physics objects are found to be performing as expected
are certified as “good for physics”. For the physics analyst the list of certified luminosity sections in these runs is provided in the form of a
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file. To ensure that we are calculating the luminosity for certified data one must fetch these files and pass them to brilcalc
on the command line.
First let’s fetch the JSON file for 2011 data:
Then pass this file to brilcalc
on the command line and pipe it to a text file 2011lumi.txt
brilcalc lumi -c web -i Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt > 2011lumi.txt
The beginning of the output in the file should look like this:
#Data tag : v1 , Norm tag: onlineresult
| run:fill | time | nls | ncms | delivered(/ub) | recorded(/ub) |
| 160431:1615 | 03/14/11 03:14:43 | 200 | 200 | 7366.884 | 7366.875 |
| 160577:1622 | 03/16/11 01:44:38 | 53 | 53 | 1719.888 | 1631.386 |
| 160578:1622 | 03/16/11 02:20:03 | 175 | 175 | 5201.105 | 4952.155 |
| 160871:1636 | 03/19/11 02:43:57 | 141 | 141 | 109739.586 | 106354.581 |
| 160872:1636 | 03/19/11 03:50:05 | 38 | 38 | 28346.738 | 23977.109 |
| 160873:1636 | 03/19/11 04:20:20 | 147 | 147 | 104914.534 | 103031.004 |
With a summary at the end of the file:
| nfill | nrun | nls | ncms | totdelivered(/ub) | totrecorded(/ub) |
| 194 | 470 | 159872 | 159872 | 5253793895.474 | 5100199528.945 |
You may notice at the end of the output after the summary a list of runs and lumi sections. These are runs and lumi sections that are listed in the JSON quality file but do not have any luminosity values corresponding to them. These correspond to sections that are left-overs at the end of a run, which where still tagged as STABLE RUN, but actually did not provide any luminosity. These are safe to ignore as they do not contain any events.
Information on the validated runs for CMS Open Data can be found on the CERN Open Data Portal using this search.
Validated data JSON files
The files used here are the same JSON files used in the
configuration files as in the CMSSW lesson. They are included in thepython
like so:import FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList as LumiList goodJSON = 'Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt' myLumis = LumiList.LumiList(filename = goodJSON).getCMSSWString().split(',') # your process.source defined process.source.lumisToProcess = cms.untracked.VLuminosityBlockRange() process.source.lumisToProcess.extend(myLumis)
What’s in the file? Example content looks like this:
{"160431": [[19, 218]], "160577": [[254, 306]], "160578": [[6, 53], [274, 400]]
Which says, for example, that luminosity sections 19-218 in run 160431 are certified as valid and “good for physics”.
Luminosity over a range of runs
Using the
brilcalc lumi --help
and the information found from this page on the CERN Open Data Portal, how does one calculate the integrated luminosity for certified lumi sections for RunA of the 2011 data release?Solution
RunA of 2011 proton-proton data comprises runs 160431 to 173692 (inclusive) so to calculate the integrated luminosity for this era run the command (where we pipe the output to a text file):
> brilcalc lumi -c web --begin 160431 --end 173692 -i Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt > RunA2011lumi.txt
The range of runs for a primary dataset can be found from the primary dataset record page, for example here for the
primary dataset from RunB of 2011.
Luminosity separated by luminosity sections
Calculate the luminosity for validated runs and luminosity sections, separated by luminosity sections, outputting your results to a
(comma-separated-variable) file.Hint: check out the options in
brilcalc lumi --help
> brilcalc lumi --byls --output-style csv -c web -i Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt > my2011lumibyls.csv
The contents of your
file will appear as below:#Data tag : v1 , Norm tag: None #run:fill,ls,time,beamstatus,E(GeV),delivered(/ub),recorded(/ub),avgpu,source 160431:1615,19:19,03/14/11 03:14:43,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.312,39.312,3.4,hfoc 160431:1615,20:20,03/14/11 03:15:07,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.368,39.368,3.4,hfoc 160431:1615,21:21,03/14/11 03:15:30,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.305,39.305,3.4,hfoc 160431:1615,22:22,03/14/11 03:15:53,STABLE BEAMS,3500,35.843,35.843,3.1,hfoc 160431:1615,23:23,03/14/11 03:16:17,STABLE BEAMS,3500,37.093,37.093,3.2,hfoc 160431:1615,24:24,03/14/11 03:16:40,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.620,39.620,3.4,hfoc 160431:1615,25:25,03/14/11 03:17:03,STABLE BEAMS,3500,34.396,34.396,3.0,hfoc 160431:1615,26:26,03/14/11 03:17:27,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.874,39.874,3.4,hfoc
You may notice the
in thesource
field. This indicates that the Hadron Forward Zero Counting value for luminosity was used. When available, more precise values can be obtained with the Pixel Luminosity Telescope, given bypxl
. These values are preferred. You can select them using thebrilcalc lumi --type
option. For example:brilcalc lumi -c web -r 208686 --type pxl
Calculating luminosity for Run 2
Luminosity information for Run 2 open data is available at CMS luminosity information, for 2015 CMS open data.
Further Information
More information can be found in the Reference section, and more information on how to conduct common queries is in the CMS Guide on how to calculate luminosity.
Key Points
One can calculate luminosity offline using the
toolBy using the lists of validated runs one can calculate luminosity for data which is certified as ‘good for physics’