Summary and Schedule

This lesson provides resources for you to learn about particle physics. It is not a complete overview and depending on your level, you may need to review some introductory physics concepts.

We hope this is a solid jumping-off-point for anyone new to this field and that it gives you the necessary background to get the most out of this workshop.

If you feel there are other materials that could be useful to future participants, please email the organizers (see Contact link at bottom of this page).

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.


For this lesson, you primarily need to have a computer with access to the internet and the requisite audio/video capabilities to watch/listen to YouTube videos.

You will get the most out of this lesson if you also

  • Attempt some of the problems presented in the video lectures
  • Use Google Colab to try out some simple python problem sets.