Toggle navigation [The_CMS_logo] Home * Code_of_Conduct * Setup * Episodes o Introduction o Lightning_overview_of_C++ o Using_ROOT_with_C++_to_write_and_read_a_file o Using_ROOT_with_C++_to_fill_a_histogram o Using_ROOT_with_python o All_in_one_page_(Beta) * Extras o Reference * License * Improve_this_page [ ] ****** C++_and_ROOT ****** ****** Introduction ****** ***** Overview ***** Teaching: 5 min Exercises: 0 min Questions * What is C++? * What is ROOT? * What is the point of these exercises? Objectives * Learn a bit about C++ and how to compile C++ code. * Learn how to use ROOT to write and read from files, using the C++ libraries. * learn how to use ROOT to investigate data and create simple histograms * Explore the ROOT python libraries. Despite the order of the words in the title of this lesson, let’s talk about ROOT first! ***** What is ROOT? ***** From the ROOT_website ROOT is a framework for data processing, born at CERN, at the heart of the research on high-energy physics. Every day, thousands of physicists use ROOT applications to analyze their data or to perform simulations. In short, ROOT is an overarching toolkit that defines a file structure, methods to analyze particle physics data, visualization tools, and is the backbone of many widely used statistical analysis tool kits, such as RooFit and RooStats. You don’t need to use ROOT for your own analysis, but you will have to have some familiarity with it when you are first accessing the open data. OK, that sounds cool. So what’s the deal with C++? ***** ROOT and C++ ***** In the mid-80’s, C++ extended the very popular C_programming language, primarily with the introduction of object-oriented programming (OOP). This programming paradigm was adopted by many particle physics experiments in the 1990’s and when ROOT was written, it was written in C++. While there are now python hooks to call the ROOT functions, the underlying code is all in C++. Because C++ is a compiled code, it is usually much faster than a scripted language like python, though that is changing with modern python tools. Still, since much of the original analysis and access code was written in C++ and calling the C++ ROOT libraries, it’s good to know some of the basics of ROOT, in a C++ context. Most CMS analysts interface with ROOT using python scripts and you may find yourself using a similar workflow. Later on in this lesson, we’ll walk you through some very basic python scripts and point you toward more in-depth tutorials, for those who want to go further. ***** You still have choices! ***** Just to emphasize, you really only need to use ROOT and C++ at the very earliest stages of an analysis, when accessing the data and using some of the CMS-provided tools. However, downstream in your analysis, you are welcome to use whatever tools and file formats you choose. ***** Key Points ***** * C++ has a reputation for being intimidating, but there are only a few things you need to learn to edit the open data code for your own uses. * You can use the ROOT toolkit using both C++ and python. * Some ROOT code is written in C++ to access the datafiles. * People will often use simpler C++ scripts or python scripts to analyze reduced datasets. =============================================================================== ****** Lightning overview of C++ ****** ***** Overview ***** Teaching: 5 min Exercises: 10 min Questions * How do I write and execute C++ code? Objectives * To write a hello-world C++ program This lesson assumes that you are using the same Docker container that has been created for accessing the CMS open data and the one you were introduced to in the Docker_pre-exercise. Before going any further in this lesson you should launch the CMS Open Data container using the commands_you_were_introduced_to_in that_lesson. All the exercises in this lesson will be compiled and run in this container. Let’s start with writing a simple hello world program in C. First we’ll edit the source code with an editor of your choice. Let’s create a new file called, using your preferred editor. If you’re using nano, you’ll type nano or if you’re using vi, you’ll type vi The first thing we need to do, is include some standard libraries. These libraries allow us to access the C and C++ commands to print to the screen (stdout and stderr) as well as other basic function. At the very beginning of your file, add these three lines #include #include #include The first library, cstdlib, you will see in almost every C++ program as it has many of the very basic functions, including those to allocate and free up memory, or even just exit the program. The second library, cstdio, contains the basic C functions to print to screen, like printf. The third library, iostream, contains C++ functions to print to screen or write to files. Usually people will use one or the other of the C or C++ printing functions, but for pedagogical purposes, we show you both. Every C++ program must have a main function. So let’s define it here. The scope of this function is defined by curly brackets { }. So let’s add int main() { return 0; } The int at the beginning tells us that this function will be returning an integer value. At the end of the main function we have return 0, which usually means the function has run successfully to completion. ***** Warning! ***** Note that at the end of return 0, we have a semicolon ;, which is how C/C++ programs terminate lines. If you’re used to programming in python or any other language that does not use a similar terminator, this can be tough to remember. If you get errors when you compile, check the error statements for the lack of ; in any of your lines! For this function, we are not passing in any arguments so we just have the empty ( ) after the main. This function would compile, but it doesn’t do anything. Let’s print some text to screen. Before the return 0; line, let’s add these three lines. printf("Hello world! This uses the ANSI C 'printf' statement\n"); std::cout << "Hello world! This uses the C++ 'iostream' library to direct output to standard out." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Hello world! This uses the C++ 'iostream' library to direct output to standard error." << std::endl; The text itself, should explain what they are doing. If you want to learn more about standard error and standard output, you can read more on Wikipedia. OK! Your full should look like this. ***** Full source code file for ***** #include #include #include int main() { printf("Hello world! This uses the ANSI C 'printf' statement\n"); std::cout << "Hello world! This uses the C++ 'iostream' library to direct output to standard out." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Hello world! This uses the C++ 'iostream' library to direct output to standard error." << std::endl; return 0; } This won’t do anything yet though! We need to compile the code, which means turning this into machine_code. To do this, we’ll use the GNU C++ compiler, g++. Once you have saved your file and exited out of your editor, you can type this in your shell (make sure you’re in the same directory as your source code file!). g++ -o hello_world This compiles your code to an executable called hello_world. You can now run this by typing the following on the shell command line, after which you’ll see the subsequent output. ./hello_world Hello world! This uses the ANSI C 'printf' statement Hello world! This uses the C++ 'iostream' library to direct output to standard out. Hello world! This uses the C++ 'iostream' library to direct output to standard error. When you are working with the Open Data, you will be looping over events and may find yourself making selections based on certain physics criteria. To that end, you may want to familiarize yourself with the C++ syntax for loops and conditionals. ***** Key Points ***** * We must compile our C++ code before we can execute it. =============================================================================== ****** Using ROOT with C++ to write and read a file ****** ***** Overview ***** Teaching: 20 min Exercises: 40 min Questions * Why do I need to use ROOT? * How do I use ROOT with C++? Objectives * Write a ROOT file using compiled C++ code. * Read a ROOT file using compiled C++ code. ***** Why ROOT? ***** HEP data can be challenging! Not just to analyze but to store! The data don’t lend themselves to neat rows in a spreadsheet. One event might have 3 muons and the next event might have none. One event might have 2 jets and the next event might have 20. What to do??? The ROOT toolkit provides a file format that can allow for efficient storage of this type of data with heterogenous entries in each event. It also provides a pretty complete analysis environment with specialized libraries and visualization packages. Until recently, you had to install the entire ROOT package just to read a file. The software provided by CMS to read the open data relies on some minimal knowledge of ROOT to access. From there, you can write out more ROOT files for further analysis or dump the data (or some subset of the data) to a format of your choosing. ***** Interfacing with ROOT ***** ROOT is a toolkit. That is, it is a set of functions and libraries that can be utilized in a variety of languages and workflows. It was originally written in C++ and lends itself nicely to being used in standard, compiled C++ code. However, analysts wanted something more interactive, and so the ROOT team developed CINT,_a_C++_interpreter. This gave users an iteractive environment where they could type of C++ code one line at a time and have it executed immediately. This gave rise to C++ scripts that many analysts use and in fact the sample ROOT_tutorals are almost exclusively written as these C++ scripts (with a .C file extension). Because they are written to run in CINT, they usually do not need the standard C++ include statements that you will see in the examples below. With the rise of the popularity of python, a set of Python-C++ bindings were written and eventually officially supported by the ROOT development team, called PyROOT. Many analysts currently write the code which plots or fits their code using PyROOT, and we will show you some examples later in this exercise. ***** What won’t you learn here ***** ROOT is an incredibly powerful toolkit and has a lot in it. It is heavily used by most nuclear and particle physics experiments running today. As such, a full overview is beyond the scope of this minimal tutorial! This tutorial will not teach you how to * Make any plots more sophisticated than a basic histogram. * Fit your data * Use any of the HEP-specific libraries (e.g. TLorentzVector) ***** OK, where can I learn that stuff? ***** There are some great resources and tutorials out there for going further. * The_official_ROOT_Primer. The recommended starting point to learn what ROOT can do. * The_official_ROOT_tutorials This is a fairly comprehensive listing of well-commented examples, written in C++ scripts that are designed to be run from within the ROOT C-interpreter. * ROOT_tutorial_for_Summer_Students_(2015).. With video recordings! * Efficient_analysis_with_ROOT. This is a more complete, end-to-end tutorial on using ROOT in a CMS analysis workflow. It was created in 2020 by some of our CMS colleagues for a separate workshop, but much of the material is relevant for the Open Data effort. It takes about 2.5 hours to complete the tutorial. * ROOT_tutorial_from_Nevis_Lab_(Columbia_Univ.). Very complete and always up-to-date tutorial from our friends at Columbia. ***** ROOT terminology ***** To store these datasets, ROOT uses an object called TTree (ROOT objects are often prefixed by a T). Each variable on the TTree, for example the transverse momentum of a muon, is stored in its own TBranch. ***** Write to a file ***** Let’s open a file using our preferred editor. We’ll call this file If we’re using vi as our editor, we would type vi As in our last example, we first include some header files, both the standard C++ ones and some new ROOT-specific ones. #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" Note the inclusion of TRandom.h, which we’ll be using to generate some random data for our test file. Next, we’ll create our main function and start it off by defining our ROOT file object. We’ll also include some explanatory comments, which in the C++ syntax are preceded by two slashes, //. int main() { // Create a ROOT file, f. // The first argument, "tree.root" is the name of the file. // The second argument, "recreate", will recreate the file, even if it already exists. TFile f("tree.root","recreate"); return 0; } Now we define the TTree object which will hold all of our variables and the data they represent. This line comes after the TFile creation, but before the return 0 statement at the end of the main function. Subsequent edits will also follow the previous edit but come before return 0 statement. // A TTree object called t1. // The first argument is the name of the object as stored by ROOT. // The second argument is a short descriptor. TTree t1("t1","A simple Tree with simple variables"); For this example, we’ll assume we’re recording the missing transverse energy, which means there is only one value recorded for each event. We’ll also record the energy and momentum (transverse momentum, eta, phi) for jets, where there could be between 0 and 5 jets in each event. This means we will define some C++ variables that will be used in the program. We do this before we define the TBranches in the TTree. When we define the variables, we use ROOT’s Float_t and Int_t types, which are analogous to float and int but are less dependent on the underlying computer OS and architecture. Float_t met; // Missing energy in the transverse direction. Int_t njets; // Necessary to keep track of the number of jets // We'll define these assuming we will not write information for // more than 16 jets. We'll have to check for this in the code otherwise // it could crash! Float_t pt[16]; Float_t eta[16]; Float_t phi[16]; We now define the TBranch for the met variable. // The first argument is ROOT's internal name of the variable. // The second argument is the *address* of the actual variable we defined above // The third argument defines the *type* of the variable to be stored, and the "F" // at the end signifies that this is a float t1.Branch("met",&met,"met/F"); Next we define the TBranches for each of the other variables, but the syntax is slightly different as these are acting as arrays with a varying number of entries for each event. // First we define njets where the syntax is the same as before, // except we take care to identify this as an integer with the final // /I designation t1.Branch("njets",&njets,"njets/I"); // We can now define the other variables, but we use a slightly different // syntax for the third argument to identify the variable that will be used // to count the number of entries per event t1.Branch("pt",&pt,"pt[njets]/F"); t1.Branch("eta",&eta,"eta[njets]/F"); t1.Branch("phi",&phi,"phi[njets]/F"); OK, we’ve defined where everything will be stored! Let’s now generate 1000 mock events. Int_t nevents = 1000; for (Int_t i=0;iRndm() + 10; // Generate random number between 0-5, inclusive njets = gRandom->Integer(6); for (Int_t j=0;jRndm(); eta[j] = 6*gRandom->Rndm(); phi[j] = 6.28*gRandom->Rndm() - 3.14; } // After each event we need to *fill* the TTree t1.Fill(); } // After we've run over all the events, we "change directory" (cd) to the file object // and write the tree to it. // We can also print the tree, just as a visual identifier to ourselves that // the program ran to completion.; t1.Write(); t1.Print(); The full should now look like this ***** Full source code file for ***** #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" int main() { // Create a ROOT file, f. // The first argument, "tree.root" is the name of the file. // The second argument, "recreate", will recreate the file, even if it already exists. TFile f("tree.root","recreate"); // A TTree object called t1. // The first argument is the name of the object as stored by ROOT. // The second argument is a short descriptor. TTree t1("t1","A simple Tree with simple variables"); Float_t met; // Missing energy in the transverse direction. Int_t njets; // Necessary to keep track of the number of jets // We'll define these assuming we will not write information for // more than 16 jets. We'll have to check for this in the code otherwise // it could crash! Float_t pt[16]; Float_t eta[16]; Float_t phi[16]; // The first argument is ROOT's internal name of the variable. // The second argument is the *address* of the actual variable we defined above // The third argument defines the *type* of the variable to be stored, and the "F" // at the end signifies that this is a float t1.Branch("met",&met,"met/F"); // First we define njets where the syntax is the same as before, // except we take care to identify this as an integer with the final // /I designation t1.Branch("njets",&njets,"njets/I"); // We can now define the other variables, but we use a slightly different // syntax for the third argument to identify the variable that will be used // to count the number of entries per event t1.Branch("pt",&pt,"pt[njets]/F"); t1.Branch("eta",&eta,"eta[njets]/F"); t1.Branch("phi",&phi,"phi[njets]/F"); Int_t nevents = 1000; for (Int_t i=0;iRndm() + 10; // Generate random number between 0-5, inclusive njets = gRandom->Integer(6); for (Int_t j=0;jRndm(); eta[j] = 6*gRandom->Rndm(); phi[j] = 6.28*gRandom->Rndm() - 3.14; } // After each event we need to *fill* the TTree t1.Fill(); } // After we've run over all the events, we "change directory" to the file object // and write the tree to it. // We can also print the tree, just as a visual identifier to ourselves that // the program ran to completion.; t1.Write(); t1.Print(); return 0; } Because we need to compile this in such a way that it links to the ROOT libraries, we will use a Makefile to simplify the build process. Create a new file called Makefile in the same directory as and add the following to the file. You’ll most likely do this with the editor of your choice. CC=g++ CFLAGS=-c -g -Wall `root-config --cflags` LDFLAGS=`root-config --glibs` all: write_ROOT_file write_ROOT_file: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o write_ROOT_file.o $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o write_ROOT_file write_ROOT_file.o ***** Warning! Tabs are important in Makefiles! ***** Makefiles have been around a long time and are used for many projects, not just C/C++ code. While other build tools are slowly supplanting them (e.g. CMake), Makefiles are a pretty tried and true standard and it is worth taking time at some point and learning more about_them. One frustrating thing though can be a Makefile’s reliance on tabs for specific purposes. In the example above, the following lines are preceeded by a tab and not four (4) spaces. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o write_ROOT_file.o $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o write_ROOT_file write_ROOT_file.o If your Makefile has spaces at those points instead of a tab, make will not work for you and you will get an error. You can now compile and run your compiled program from the command line! make write_ROOT_file ./write_ROOT_file ***** Output from write_ROOT_file ***** ****************************************************************************** *Tree :t1 : A simple Tree with simple variables * *Entries : 1000 : Total = 51536 bytes File Size = 36858 * * : : Tree compression factor = 1.35 * ****************************************************************************** *Br 0 :met : met/ F * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4542 bytes File Size = 3641 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.12 * *............................................................................* *Br 1 :njets : njets/ I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4552 bytes File Size = 841 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 4.84 * *............................................................................* *Br 2 :pt : pt[njets]/ F * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 14084 bytes File Size = 10445 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.29 * *............................................................................* *Br 3 :eta : eta[njets]/ F * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 14089 bytes File Size = 10424 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.30 * *............................................................................* *Br 4 :phi : phi[njets]/ F * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 14089 bytes File Size = 10758 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.26 * *............................................................................* Your numbers may be slightly different because of the random numbers that are generated. Huzzah! You’ve successfully written your first ROOT file! ***** Will I have to make my Open Data analysis code? ***** Yes, you will! However, you won’t actually call make, nor will you need to write your own Makefile. Instead, the CMS software uses a configuration and build system called SCRAM. So instead of typing make, you’ll find yourself typing scram. However, it serves the same purpose by compiling and linking your code for you. ***** Read a ROOT file ***** Let’s try to read this file in now. We won’t do much with but we’ll try to understand the process necessary to read in all the data and loop over this event-by-event. We’ll start with the basic include statements and the main program. #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" int main() { return 0; } In the main function, we’ll define the input file. // Here's the input file // Without the 'recreate' argument, ROOT will assume this file exists to be read in. TFile f("tree.root"); We’ll make use of the built-in member functions to TFile to pull out the TTree named t1. There’s a few other things to note. First, we’re going to assign it to a local variable named input_tree. This is to emphasize that t1 is just a string that refers to the name of the object stored in the TFile and that we can assign it to any variable name, not just one named t1. The second thing to note is that we are going to create a pointer to input_tree, which makes some of the memory management easier. This means that we precede our variable name with an asterix *, we have to cast the object pulled out of the TFile as a TTree pointer (TTree*), and subsequent uses of input_tree will access data members and member functions with the -> operator rather than a period .. If you want to learn more about pointers, there are many, many, resources out there. // We will now "Get" the tree from the file and assign it to // a new local variable. TTree *input_tree = (TTree*)f.Get("t1"); Just as we did in the example, we will define some local variables. These variables will actually get “filled” by the ROOT file when we loop over the events. Float_t met; Int_t njets; Float_t pt[16]; Float_t eta[16]; Float_t phi[16]; We’ll now assign these local variables to specific TBranches in input_tree. Note that we’ll be using the address of each local variable when we precede the variable name with an ampersand &. // Assign these variables to specific branch addresses input_tree->SetBranchAddress("met",&met); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("njets",&njets); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("pt",&pt); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta",&eta); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi",&phi); We’re ready now to loop over events! Each time we call input_tree->GetEntry(i), it pulls the ith values out of input_tree and “fills” the local variables with those values. for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // Print the number of jets in this event printf("%d\n",njets); // Print out the momentum for each jet in this event for (Int_t j=0;j #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" int main() { // Here's the input file // Without the 'recreate' argument, ROOT will assume this file exists to be read in. TFile f("tree.root"); // We will now "Get" the tree from the file and assign it to // a new local variable. TTree *input_tree = (TTree*)f.Get("t1"); Float_t met; // Missing energy in the transverse direction. Int_t njets; // Necessary to keep track of the number of jets // We'll define these assuming we will not write information for // more than 16 jets. We'll have to check for this in the code otherwise // it could crash! Float_t pt[16]; Float_t eta[16]; Float_t phi[16]; // Assign these variables to specific branch addresses input_tree->SetBranchAddress("met",&met); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("njets",&njets); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("pt",&pt); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta",&eta); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi",&phi); // Get the number of events in the file Int_t nevents = input_tree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // Print the number of jets in this event printf("%d\n",njets); // Print out the momentum for each jet in this event for (Int_t j=0;j #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TH1F.h" int main() { // Here's the input file // Without the 'recreate' argument, ROOT will assume this file exists to be read in. TFile f("tree.root"); // Let's make an output file which we'll use to save our // histogram TFile fout("output.root","recreate"); // We define an histogram for the transverse momentum of the jets // The arguments are as follow // * Internal name of the histogram // * Title that will be used if the histogram is plotted // * Number of bins // * Low edge of the lowest bin // * High edge of the highest bin TH1F h1("h1","jet pT (GeV/c)",50,0,150); // We will now "Get" the tree from the file and assign it to // a new local variable. TTree *input_tree = (TTree*)f.Get("t1"); Float_t met; // Missing energy in the transverse direction. Int_t njets; // Necessary to keep track of the number of jets // We'll define these assuming we will not write information for // more than 16 jets. We'll have to check for this in the code otherwise // it could crash! Float_t pt[16]; Float_t eta[16]; Float_t phi[16]; // Assign these variables to specific branch addresses input_tree->SetBranchAddress("met",&met); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("njets",&njets); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("pt",&pt); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta",&eta); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi",&phi); // Get the number of events in the file Int_t nevents = input_tree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // Print the number of jets in this event printf("%d\n",njets); // Print out the momentum for each jet in this event for (Int_t j=0;jPrint() Please copy the output this statement generates and paste it into the corresponding section in our assignment_form; remember you must sign in and click on the submit button in order to save your work. You can go back to edit the form at any time. ***** Using a ROOT script ***** We could also loop over all the events, create and save the histogram, but also draw the histogram onto a TCanvas object and have it pop up, all from a ROOT script and the CINT. First, let’s copy over our C++ source code into a C++ script. cp fill_histogram_SCRIPT.C Next we’ll remove the headers at the beginning and even get rid of the int main designation, though we keep the curly brackets. We’ll also define a TCanvas object on which we’ll plot our histogram. After we do that, we “change directory” to the canvas and draw our histogram. We can even save it to a .png file. // Declare a TCanvas with the following arguments // * Internal name of the TCanvas object // * Title to be displayed when it is drawn // * Width of the canvas // * Height of the canvas TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Canvas on which to display our histogram", 800, 400); c1->cd(0); h1.Draw(); c1->SaveAs("h_pt.png"); Your fill_histogram_SCRIPT.C should look like this. ***** Source code for fill_histogram_SCRIPT.C ***** { // Here's the input file // Without the 'recreate' argument, ROOT will assume this file exists to be read in. TFile f("tree.root"); // Let's make an output file which we'll use to save our // histogram TFile fout("output.root","recreate"); // We define an histogram for the transverse momentum of the jets // The arguments are as follow // * Internal name of the histogram // * Title that will be used if the histogram is plotted // * Number of bins // * Low edge of the lowest bin // * High edge of the highest bin TH1F h1("h1","jet pT (GeV/c)",50,0,150); // We will now "Get" the tree from the file and assign it to // a new local variable. TTree *input_tree = (TTree*)f.Get("t1"); Float_t met; // Missing energy in the transverse direction. Int_t njets; // Necessary to keep track of the number of jets // We'll define these assuming we will not write information for // more than 16 jets. We'll have to check for this in the code otherwise // it could crash! Float_t pt[16]; Float_t eta[16]; Float_t phi[16]; // Assign these variables to specific branch addresses input_tree->SetBranchAddress("met",&met); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("njets",&njets); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("pt",&pt); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta",&eta); input_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi",&phi); // Get the number of events in the file Int_t nevents = input_tree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // Print the number of jets in this event printf("%d\n",njets); // Print out the momentum for each jet in this event for (Int_t j=0;jcd(0); h1.Draw(); c1->SaveAs("h_pt.png");; h1.Write(); fout.Close(); } To run this, you need only type the following on the command line. root -l fill_histogram_SCRIPT.C You’ll be popped into the CINT environment and you should see the following plot pop up! ***** TBrowser ***** ***** Key Points ***** * You can quickly inspect your data using just ROOT * A simple ROOT script is often all you need for diagnostic work =============================================================================== ****** Using ROOT with python ****** ***** Overview ***** Teaching: 0 min Exercises: 0 min Questions * Can I call ROOT from python? Objectives * Find resources ***** PyROOT ***** The PyROOT project started with Wim Lavrijsen in the late `00s and became very popular, paralleling the rise of more general python tools within the community. If you want to learn how to use PyROOT, you can go through some individual examples here, or a more guided tutorial here. Feel free to challenge yourself to rewrite the previous C++ code using PyROOT! ***** Key Points ***** * PyROOT is a complete interface to the ROOT libraries =============================================================================== Content licensed under CC-BY_4.0 2020–2021 by The_CMS_Collaboration Lesson setup licensed under CC-BY_4.0 2018–2021 by The_Carpentries Edit_on_GitHub / Contributing / Source / Cite / Contact Using The_Carpentries_style version 9.5.3.