Welcome to the fifth workshop on the use of open data from the CMS experiment. We are really happy to have you here!
Please do not forget to subscribe to our mattermost team, where dedicated discussion channels will be created to assist you during pre-exercises and workshop lessons.
In you are directed to a login page, please follow these steps:
- Click the main “Log in with CERN Single Sign-On” button – even if you do not have a CERN account!
- If you do have CERN credentials, you can log in with them on the CERN SSO page
- Alternatively, you can log in by choosing “External email - Guest access”, or one of the “Social account” sign-in options in the lower-right box.
- Following log-in, you should be directed back to our mattermost channel
In order to make the best use of the time during the event, we have prepared a set of pre-exercises, which you are requested to go through before the workshop.
This is because we know that setting up the proper environment may take some time, and it may happen that you would need help.
We can help you get started before the workshop, but during the workshop we really want to concentrate on the use of open data.
We will do our best in order to have all technicalities settled down in advance.
Please note that all pre-exercises require you to submit some very simple work assignments. This can be done using our assignment form; you must sign in and click on the submit button in order to save your work. You can come back to edit the form at any time.
Please add yourself to the pre-exercises Mattermost channels if you need assistance and/or are willing to help out or contribute to the discussion:
- Docker pre-exercise channel.
- If you will work on a remote cluster rather than a personal computer, please also join the Apptainer help channel
- All other pre-exercises channel