

Welcome to WHEPP 2024 sessions on the use of open data from the CMS experiment. We are really happy to have you here!

Please subscribe to our mattermost team, where dedicated discussion channels will be created to assist you during the lessons.
To join the team:


During the first 3 days of our workshop sessions (Jan 3-5, 2024) you will work through a series of “pre-exercises” to set up the infrastructure required for doing research with open data and for the following lessons. This work will be primarily self-paced, and the local facilitators will be available to help with technical issues. Additional assistance will be available via the Pre-exercises Help mattermost channel.

Lessons and Activities

We will gather for large-group lessons and hands-on Open Data activities on Jan 6-7 and 9-10, 2024. Discussion and technical queries concerning these lessons will take place on the Lessons & Activities mattermost channel. The CMS Open Data team members will present from Zoom, and the local facilitators will be present for in-person help.